MGT502 GDB # 1 Solution

Mr. Ali is an IT specialist and works in a Software House. He is awarded "Employee of the Year" award. The fact is that, he is considered as one of the most enthusiastic, broad-minded, innovative and creative software developer. Also, his colleagues and coworkers term him as a trustworthy and well-mannered person.
Evaluate the personality of Mr. Ali in the light of Big Five Personality Model, point out and discuss two factors on which he is on higher end.

Mr. Ali is an IT specialist and works in a Software House. He is awarded "Employee of the Year" award. The fact is that, he is considered as one of the most enthusiastic, broad-minded, innovative and creative software developer. Also, his colleagues and coworkers term him as a trustworthy and well-mannered person.

Evaluate the personality of Mr. Ali in the light of Big Five Personality Model, point out and discuss two factors on which he is on higher end.

The Big Five personality model
Personality test has evolved on the basis of the early thoughts and thinking of Freud. For long Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has been the undisputed leader in the personality test field. Big Five has taken up the competition with the MBTI about being the most popular/progressive personality test.
Big Five Personality traits
The Big Five personality traits is summarized below:
• Openness - open-minded, an interest in art, emotional, adventurous, new ideas and curiosity.
• Conscientiousness - typically self-disciplined, result oriented and structured, tradition and dutiful.
• Extraversion - high energy level, people person, extrovert and gets stimulated by being around others.
• Agreeableness - compassionate, cooperative, ability to forgive and being pragmatic, lets get the thing done.
• Neuroticism - sensible, vulnerable, in extreme: emotional unstable and neurotic.
The big five model tests help you identify your personality traits and explore your strengths. You must be honest while answering the questions because feedback is given only with your answers.
Feedback based on big five model is generally given in percentile scores signifying the presence of each of the factor in your whole personality.
Big Five Personality score
Studies suggest that that the distributed average score of people on the Big Five traits is as the following:
• Openness: 57%
• Extraversion: 54%
• Conscientiousness: 49%
• Neuroticism: 48%
• Agreeableness: 42%