CS507 Assignment # 2 Solution

CS 507_Idea Solution:

Question 1:Give at least 2 examples of each type of system. [5 marks]

1. Transaction processing systems
2. Office Automation Systems
3. Knowledge Work Systems
4. Decision Support Systems
5. Management information systems


1. Transaction processing systems
Definition: A Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a type of information system that collects, stores, modifies and retrieves the data transactions of an enterprise.
 Order entry systems
 Scanner-based point-of-sale registers
 Automatic teller machines
 Airline reservation applications

2. Office Automation Systems
Office Automation Systems Include formal and informal electronic systems primarily concerned with the communication of information to and from persons both inside and outside the firm. It supports data workers in an organization.
 Word processing
 Desktop publishing
 Imaging & Web publishing
 Electronic calendars – manager's appt. calendars
 Email
 Audio & video conferencing – establishing communication between geographically dispersed persons.

3. Knowledge Work Systems
Knowledge work systems are there to help to deal with problems requiring technical expertise or knowledge. Software includes:
 CAD for designers
 Expert systems for specialist staff
 Word-processing for clerical staff
 Spreadsheets for accounts, and sales staff
 Database managements systems for keeping records
 Project management systems

4. Decision Support Systems
Decision-support systems are designed to allow analysts to extract information quickly and easily. The data being analyzed is often historical: daily, weekly, and yearly results.
 Applications for analysis of sales revenue,
 Marketing information,
 Insurance claims
 Catalog sales

5. Management information systems
MIS is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization.
'MIS' is a planned system of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management.
 Enterprise resource planning
 Decision Support Systems (DSS)
 Office Automation

Question 2:
How an Information system can help to meet call centre challenges? [5 marks
 Simplify complex tasks (no experts, consultants needed)
 Make tasks quicker to perform (efficiency gain)
 Fewer errors so quality improves (effectiveness)
 Time needed to fix errors is reduced (efficiency).
 Output is better quality
 Improve communication and collaboration with email, chat etc
 Better decision making with management support tools
 Frees people from tedious jobs - do better things
 Allow the use of virtual team

MGT501 GDB # 1 Solution
Posted: 10 Nov 2010 03:45 AM PST

The links between HR effectiveness and organizational effectiveness could be explored from different conceptual angles. In this particular empirical study, the focus is on the multiple links that exist between certain HR policies and practices (i.e., staffing, compensation, training and the like), the characteristics of the HR Department (i.e., ratio of professionals, average level of education, and others), and the overall economic performance / success of the firm.
Organizations must determine their strategic direction and the outcomes they seek. This is usually accomplished with some form of strategic planning. Classic strategic planning is a formal, top-down, staff-driven process. When done well, it is workable at a time when external change occurs at a more measured pace. Plans and strategies are so fundamental that there must be clear plans to address them before the organisation can achieve on any of its goals. These are likely to include:

• Workforce planning issues
• succession planning
• workforce skills plans
• employment equity plans
• black economic empowerment initiatives
Suppose HR has a policy to only hire applicants who are college graduates (they are an engineering firm). Management decides to embark on a new strategy of constructing some of the units they have designed. The HR policy would work for the construction manager, but not for the welders, pipe fitters, electricians, painters, insulators, etc. that they would need to complete such projects.