Assignment 1 Communication skill
Q1; Nature give us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak. Elaborate the statement with reference to the importance of listening skill?
Answer; Studies shows that 80 percent of our waking hours communicating and at least 45% on listening. As a student average 53% walking hours spend on listening. Listening is the process by which spoken language is converted to meaning in the mind. Good listener become good communicator and skillful listener learn from others. Listening is an active search of meaning.
But although listening is so critical in our daily lives. It is more important from other three basic communication skills. Much of the trouble we have communicating with others is because of poor listening.
Q2; being the student of Virtual university, Point out what communication barriers do you face while watching the course lectures. Also suggest some ways through which these barriers could be reduced. Do remember that the barriers can be both from sender's side as well as from receiver's side?
Answer; when we listen our lecture we face following barriers in communication process.
Language difference; Our national language is Urdu and our lectures are in English sometime we face problem of language difference. Inadequate vocabulary; Our education system is poor and our base is not good that's why inadequate vocabulary problem we faced. Internet speed; I belong with rural area where internet speed is slow. Noise and personal problems interrupt us durining listening lectures.
One lecture delivered for every kind of students but some are more intelligent then others it is also cause of poor interest in lectures. Teachers not see us they can't know us and they have no knowledge about our education and mental caliper. That's why they send same lectures. It is difficult to understand for every student.
We wants that lectures are delivered in mix language which can be easily understand.
Sometime teachers use new words I want please give his explanation on the spot.
It is necessary for us, when we listen our lecture we close our room and listen with full consideration.
When make the polices must account that you have different type of students.
When we join university we meet one time with our teacher and introduce our self.
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