MTH202 Assignment # 2 Solution

MGT601 GDB Solution

Do you think the efforts made by the Government of Pakistan to boost the SMEs sector are in the right direction?Discuss

Although many steps have been taken by government of Pakistan for the promotion SME sector e.g. initialization of SME policy development, Industrial Information Network, Industry Support Program and founding of institutions on provincial bases. And there has been some success on limited bases like the awareness-creation role (cluster-development) of the project has been particularly important, and achieved considerable success.

yet there is lot need be done. Out of many problems, cumbersome procedure by Government agencies, taxation and other charges promoting lack of documentation or incorrect documentation done by SME entrepreneurs, inconsistent government policies discouraging entrepreneurs to develop long-term vision, lack of formal technical education, non-internalization of new technologies, lack of basic infrastructure, finance, marketing etc. and most important of all, these factors discouraged commercial banks to extend financing to SME sector especially when specialized Government institutes such as SBFC, RDFC etc. failed to be feasible. Such circumstances shows that path chosen by the government for the development of SME sector but it will go on wrong direction if the above mentioned would not be seriously considered and sort out by the government of Pakistan.

MGT501 GDB # 1 Solution

The links between HR effectiveness and organizational effectiveness could be explored from different conceptual angles. In this particular empirical study, the focus is on the multiple links that exist between certain HR policies and practices (i.e., staffing, compensation, training and the like), the characteristics of the HR Department (i.e., ratio of professionals, average level of education, and others), and the overall economic performance / success of the firm.
Organizations must determine their strategic direction and the outcomes they seek. This is usually accomplished with some form of strategic planning. Classic strategic planning is a formal, top-down, staff-driven process. When done well, it is workable at a time when external change occurs at a more measured pace. Plans and strategies are so fundamental that there must be clear plans to address them before the organisation can achieve on any of its goals. These are likely to include:

• Workforce planning issues
• succession planning
• workforce skills plans
• employment equity plans
• black economic empowerment initiatives
Suppose HR has a policy to only hire applicants who are college graduates (they are an engineering firm). Management decides to embark on a new strategy of constructing some of the units they have designed. The HR policy would work for the construction manager, but not for the welders, pipe fitters, electricians, painters, insulators, etc. that they would need to complete such projects.

MGT502 GDB # 1 Solution

Mr. Ali is an IT specialist and works in a Software House. He is awarded "Employee of the Year" award. The fact is that, he is considered as one of the most enthusiastic, broad-minded, innovative and creative software developer. Also, his colleagues and coworkers term him as a trustworthy and well-mannered person.
Evaluate the personality of Mr. Ali in the light of Big Five Personality Model, point out and discuss two factors on which he is on higher end.

Mr. Ali is an IT specialist and works in a Software House. He is awarded "Employee of the Year" award. The fact is that, he is considered as one of the most enthusiastic, broad-minded, innovative and creative software developer. Also, his colleagues and coworkers term him as a trustworthy and well-mannered person.

Evaluate the personality of Mr. Ali in the light of Big Five Personality Model, point out and discuss two factors on which he is on higher end.

The Big Five personality model
Personality test has evolved on the basis of the early thoughts and thinking of Freud. For long Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has been the undisputed leader in the personality test field. Big Five has taken up the competition with the MBTI about being the most popular/progressive personality test.
Big Five Personality traits
The Big Five personality traits is summarized below:
• Openness - open-minded, an interest in art, emotional, adventurous, new ideas and curiosity.
• Conscientiousness - typically self-disciplined, result oriented and structured, tradition and dutiful.
• Extraversion - high energy level, people person, extrovert and gets stimulated by being around others.
• Agreeableness - compassionate, cooperative, ability to forgive and being pragmatic, lets get the thing done.
• Neuroticism - sensible, vulnerable, in extreme: emotional unstable and neurotic.
The big five model tests help you identify your personality traits and explore your strengths. You must be honest while answering the questions because feedback is given only with your answers.
Feedback based on big five model is generally given in percentile scores signifying the presence of each of the factor in your whole personality.
Big Five Personality score
Studies suggest that that the distributed average score of people on the Big Five traits is as the following:
• Openness: 57%
• Extraversion: 54%
• Conscientiousness: 49%
• Neuroticism: 48%
• Agreeableness: 42%

CS507 Assignment # 2 Solution

CS 507_Idea Solution:

Question 1:Give at least 2 examples of each type of system. [5 marks]

1. Transaction processing systems
2. Office Automation Systems
3. Knowledge Work Systems
4. Decision Support Systems
5. Management information systems


1. Transaction processing systems
Definition: A Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a type of information system that collects, stores, modifies and retrieves the data transactions of an enterprise.
 Order entry systems
 Scanner-based point-of-sale registers
 Automatic teller machines
 Airline reservation applications

2. Office Automation Systems
Office Automation Systems Include formal and informal electronic systems primarily concerned with the communication of information to and from persons both inside and outside the firm. It supports data workers in an organization.
 Word processing
 Desktop publishing
 Imaging & Web publishing
 Electronic calendars – manager's appt. calendars
 Email
 Audio & video conferencing – establishing communication between geographically dispersed persons.

3. Knowledge Work Systems
Knowledge work systems are there to help to deal with problems requiring technical expertise or knowledge. Software includes:
 CAD for designers
 Expert systems for specialist staff
 Word-processing for clerical staff
 Spreadsheets for accounts, and sales staff
 Database managements systems for keeping records
 Project management systems

4. Decision Support Systems
Decision-support systems are designed to allow analysts to extract information quickly and easily. The data being analyzed is often historical: daily, weekly, and yearly results.
 Applications for analysis of sales revenue,
 Marketing information,
 Insurance claims
 Catalog sales

5. Management information systems
MIS is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization.
'MIS' is a planned system of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management.
 Enterprise resource planning
 Decision Support Systems (DSS)
 Office Automation

Question 2:
How an Information system can help to meet call centre challenges? [5 marks
 Simplify complex tasks (no experts, consultants needed)
 Make tasks quicker to perform (efficiency gain)
 Fewer errors so quality improves (effectiveness)
 Time needed to fix errors is reduced (efficiency).
 Output is better quality
 Improve communication and collaboration with email, chat etc
 Better decision making with management support tools
 Frees people from tedious jobs - do better things
 Allow the use of virtual team

MGT501 GDB # 1 Solution
Posted: 10 Nov 2010 03:45 AM PST

The links between HR effectiveness and organizational effectiveness could be explored from different conceptual angles. In this particular empirical study, the focus is on the multiple links that exist between certain HR policies and practices (i.e., staffing, compensation, training and the like), the characteristics of the HR Department (i.e., ratio of professionals, average level of education, and others), and the overall economic performance / success of the firm.
Organizations must determine their strategic direction and the outcomes they seek. This is usually accomplished with some form of strategic planning. Classic strategic planning is a formal, top-down, staff-driven process. When done well, it is workable at a time when external change occurs at a more measured pace. Plans and strategies are so fundamental that there must be clear plans to address them before the organisation can achieve on any of its goals. These are likely to include:

• Workforce planning issues
• succession planning
• workforce skills plans
• employment equity plans
• black economic empowerment initiatives
Suppose HR has a policy to only hire applicants who are college graduates (they are an engineering firm). Management decides to embark on a new strategy of constructing some of the units they have designed. The HR policy would work for the construction manager, but not for the welders, pipe fitters, electricians, painters, insulators, etc. that they would need to complete such projects.

CS302 Assignment # 1 Solution


Convert following decimal values to binary:

3.25 = 11.01

Express each decimal number as an 8-bit number in the 2's complement form:


Represent the following binary numbers in Hexadecimal:

0000 3
Two zeros have been added to complete a 4-bit ***** at the left
1000 1

Three zeros have been added to complete a 4-bit ***** at the left
What is the highest decimal number that can be represented by each of the following numbers of binary digits (bits) ? (litlle doubted plz confirm ur self)


CS302 Assignment # 1 Solution


Convert following decimal values to binary:

3.25 = 11.01

Express each decimal number as an 8-bit number in the 2's complement form:


Represent the following binary numbers in Hexadecimal:

0000 3
Two zeros have been added to complete a 4-bit ***** at the left
1000 1

Three zeros have been added to complete a 4-bit ***** at the left
What is the highest decimal number that can be represented by each of the following numbers of binary digits (bits) ? (litlle doubted plz confirm ur self)


MCM301 Assignment # 1 Solution

Assignment 1 Communication skill
Q1; Nature give us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak. Elaborate the statement with reference to the importance of listening skill?

Answer; Studies shows that 80 percent of our waking hours communicating and at least 45% on listening. As a student average 53% walking hours spend on listening. Listening is the process by which spoken language is converted to meaning in the mind. Good listener become good communicator and skillful listener learn from others. Listening is an active search of meaning.
But although listening is so critical in our daily lives. It is more important from other three basic communication skills. Much of the trouble we have communicating with others is because of poor listening.

Q2; being the student of Virtual university, Point out what communication barriers do you face while watching the course lectures. Also suggest some ways through which these barriers could be reduced. Do remember that the barriers can be both from sender's side as well as from receiver's side?

Answer; when we listen our lecture we face following barriers in communication process.
Language difference; Our national language is Urdu and our lectures are in English sometime we face problem of language difference. Inadequate vocabulary; Our education system is poor and our base is not good that's why inadequate vocabulary problem we faced. Internet speed; I belong with rural area where internet speed is slow. Noise and personal problems interrupt us durining listening lectures.
One lecture delivered for every kind of students but some are more intelligent then others it is also cause of poor interest in lectures. Teachers not see us they can't know us and they have no knowledge about our education and mental caliper. That's why they send same lectures. It is difficult to understand for every student.
We wants that lectures are delivered in mix language which can be easily understand.
Sometime teachers use new words I want please give his explanation on the spot.
It is necessary for us, when we listen our lecture we close our room and listen with full consideration.
When make the polices must account that you have different type of students.
When we join university we meet one time with our teacher and introduce our self.

MGT211 GDB # 1 Solution

Ahmad enterprise is a sole proprietorship owned by Mr. Ali.

A. Unlimited

Ahmad enterprise is a 50-50 partnership of Mr. Ali and Mr. Ahmad

B. Unlimited

Ahmad enterprise is a private limited company


Ahmad enterprise is a public limited company


MGT503 GDB # 1 Solution

Mr. Ali is working as a manager in Global Inc for 15 years. He is successfully managing the Pakistan region. Once, Mr. Aftab Ahmed, CEO of the Global Inc visited Bangladesh and astonished to find out the investment opportunities and hence decided to expand his company to Bangladesh. Seeing the brilliance and competence of Mr. Ali, he appointed him managing director of Bangladesh region. With this new position, do you think Ali can universally apply the management concepts that he have learned? Give rationale.


Mr Ali (its me :p) is working as MANAGER his post changes to MANAGING DIRECTOR coz MR.AFTAB AHMED SAHAB appointed him so wat i think managers are more likely concerned with the work directly and can show skills on the other hand Managing director controls managers

MGT603 GDB # 1 Solution

For ensuring success in business, top management applies different kind of strategies. Suppose if you are a CEO of any bank, what kind of strategies you may design for the better growth and success.

Your job is to only identify anyfour or fivesuccessful strategies for banks

Being a CEO of a bank, I would like to use these strategies to get competitive edge over my competitors;
• Price Leadership Strategy
• Flexibility
• Product or services differentiation
• Time to respond to customers and other changes
• Best possible use of IT & Information System Management
• Strong CRM Department
• Wide range of services to satisfy my customers
• I will try to be proactive rather than to be reactive
• Strong Marketing Department
• Well training Human Resources.

CS201 1st Assignment Solution

using namespace std;

int totalstudent=1;
int A =0,B=0;

char grad(1);

while (totalstudent <= 10)
cout"Please Enter Grade of student "totalstudent" :\n";
if (grad=='a' or grad =='A')
A = A+1;
else if (grad=='b' or grad =='B')
B += 1;
cout"\nPlease Enter 'A' or 'B' grade only! \n";


cout"Total No. of A Grades "A" :\n";

if (A <=2)
cout"\nYour class is Poor!\n";
}else if (A <=7)
cout"\nYour class is Good!\n";
cout"\nYour class is Brilliant!\n";


CS615 1st Assignment Solution

Question # 1:
Choice elements are found in the theory and practice of strategic management and
provide the performance standard by which enterprise resources are identified, selected,
committed for the growth and survival of the organizational process and future products.
Discuss the key choice elements for the strategic management that are important building
blocks in the design and implementation of the strategies for the enterprise’s future.
In the management of an enterprise as if its future mattered, nine key choice elements are
involved. These choice elements for the enterprise are:
1. vision
2. mission
3. objectives
4. goals
5. strategies
6. programs
7. projects
8. operational plans
9. organizational design
These choice elements provide for the major performance standards by which enterprise
resources will be identifies, selected, committed, and reviewed in the enterprise for
survival and growth in its future products, services, and organizational processes.
A vision is a mental image of what could be anticipated for the enterprise’s future such as
becoming a world-class competitor. One company defined its vision to be a “world-class
competitor and to keep it that way. We have programs in place to do just that such as a
total qualitymanagement process whereby we live quality.” Another company included
in its vision statement: “We will enhance our competitiveness by being first in the
development of advanced technology that supports our world-class products and
The mission of an enterprise answers the basic question: What business are we in? One
project-driven firm defined its mission in the following way: “We are in the business of
designing, developing, and installing energy management systems and services for the
domestic industrial market.”
An objective is a statement of the ongoing purposes in the enterprise that must be carried
out to support the organizational mission. A computer company defines one of its
objectives as “leading the state-of-the-art in its products and services.”
Admin MIS (OraiL)
Vu Askari Team
VU Askari
Note: Solve these papers by yourself
This VU Group is not responsible for any solved content
VU Askari
A goal is a specific achievement in the satisfaction of enterprise objectives. As a
performance measurement for progress in the use of resources to support corporate
purposes, a goal has a specific time element. One company defined its goals as the
realization of a certain percentage of return on invested assets by a specific date.
An organizational strategy is the design of the means, through the use of resources, to
accomplish end purposes. Strategies also include action plans for establishing the
direction for the coordinated acquisition and use of resources through organizational
design choices. Strategies also provide for the means to obtain resources for the
enterprise, and how to use such resources effectively and efficiently in the fulfillment of
organizational purposes.
Programs are resource-consuming combination of organizational resources, which have a
common purpose in supporting the enterprise’s purposes. For example, a productivity
improvement program could be composed of projects such as the following:
 the use of self-managed production teams on the assembly line
 plane and equipment modernization initiatives
 use of computer-aided design and manufacturing
 Changeover of a production facility from conventional manufacturing to
manufacturing cells.
Projects are ad hoc, resource-consuming activities used to implement organizational
strategies, achieve enterprise goals and objectives, and contribute to the realization of the
enterprise’s mission.
Operational plans:
Operational plans are those documents developed to guide the organization in a
consistent fashion toward meeting its mission, objectives, and goals through designated
strategies. These plans from the overarching policies, procedures, and practices for when
and how program and project work will be accomplished.
Organizational Design:
Organizational design is the organizational structure that facilitates performing the work.
Organizational design considers the business that is being conducted, the manner in
which work will be conducted, the practices for managing the work effort and strategies
for work accomplishment. An optimal organization design supports the enterprise in
getting its work accomplished in the most competitive way.
Question # 2:
Discuss the planning limitations in formal strategic planning? (At least five)
Some limitations of formal strategic planning
Admin MIS (OraiL)
Vu Askari Team
VU Askari
Note: Solve these papers by yourself
This VU Group is not responsible for any solved content
VU Askari
1. The environment that the enterprise faces may change more than expected,
including unexpected events in economics, social issues, war or the threat of war.
The growing threat of terrorism, natural catastrophes like the Katrina hurricane.
2. Resistance by enterprise people. The old way of doing things, old policies, old
strategies, and operating processes and procedures may be so entrenched that it is
difficult to change them.
3. Strategic planning is challenging. It is hard work, expensive, and the desired
results may take years to more about.
4. Formal strategic planning is not designed to get an enterprise out of current
difficulties. But a strategic planning process that has considered alternative
scenarios, both positive and negative, will help to reduce the effects of operational
5. Strategic planning is hard work. It requires imagination, innovation, analytical
ability, creativity, and the resolution to evaluate, choose, and design
implementation strategies for organization products, services, and processes likely
to be relevant several years into the future.
6. Strategic plans are commitments made in the present for alternative choices for
the often distant future. A strategic plan should be a “living document” not
allowed to become fixed for the future, but be a plan whose implementation is
likely to come about assuming that environmental factors remain relatively

STA301 1st Assignment Solution

An array is a systematic arrangement of objects, usually in rows and columns.

Make discrete frequency distribution from the given data,
1,2,3,2,1,2,1,3, 4,5,1,2,3,1,4,2, 2,3,2,1,4,4,4,2,1,

Also find;
• Cumulative frequencies
• Relative frequencies

CLASS NO. Frequencies Cumulative frequency Relative frequency
1 7 7 0.28
2 8 7+8 = 15 0.32
3 4 15+4 =19 0.16
4 5 19+5 = 24 0.2
5 1 24+1 = 25 0.04
Total 25 ----

Question no.02

(a) Find Geometric mean from the following data.
1, 2, 3,2,4,5,4,3,4,-1,4, 3,0,1,-3, 2,4

Geometric mean can not b calculated as there are some negative values and zero values present in the data.

(b) The weight of the 40 male students at a university is given in the following frequency table:
Weight frequency CF
118-126 3 3
127-135 5 3+5 =
136-144 9 8+9 =
145-153 12 17+12 =
154-162 5 29+5 =
163-171 4 34+4 =
172-180 2 38+2 = (equal to the sum of total frequency.. !

Calculate median and mode from the above data.

Where l=145, h=8, f=12, n/2=20 and c = 17

Put these values in formal and then calculate…
Question no.03

(b) For given data calculate range and coefficient of range,
0.035, 0.045, 0.031, 0.044, 0.032
Range: =

Coefficient of range: =
Put the values in the formula then calculate

(c) Calculate an appropriate measure of dispersion for the following data.

Farm Size (acre) No. of Farms
Bellow 40 394
41-80 461
81-120 391
121-160 334
161-200 169
201-240 113
241 and above 148
Question solve with quartile deviation;;;
Quartile deviation = Q3 - Q1 / 2

CS610 Assignment # 1 Solution

Note:- its an guide not a solution but enough for solution

FOR question 1

Page no 28,29

For question 2

Page no 17,18
just read these four pages and your assignment is "SOLVED"

BNK603 Assignment Solution # 1 Solution

Question 1: Strategic Economies don’t drive from Operational Excellence, but from the business concept itself.

Strategic Economies
Unlike operational efficiencies, Strategic Economies don’t drive from Operational Excellence, but from the business concept itself. Strategic Economic come in three varieties:
1. Scale
2. Focus
3. Scope

1. Scale
Scale can derive efficiencies in many ways through:
 Better Plant Utilization
 Greater Purchasing Power
 The Muscle to enforce industry wide price discipline Industries revolutionaries often consolidate
fragmented industries. Any that gets caught behind the consolidation curve and misses the chance
to build Scale Advantage will be left with a notable disadvantage

2. Focus

A company with a high degree of Focus & Specialization may reap economies compared with competitors
with a more diffused Business Mission and a less coherent mix of products & services.
Focus is not about efficiency in a cost sense; it’s about in a don’t-get-distracted, get-all-the-wood-behindone-
arrow sense.

3. Scope

The idea here is almost opposite of focus. A company that can leverage resources and management talents
across a broad array of opportunities may have an efficiency advantage over firms that cannot. Scope
Economies come from sharing things across business units & countries; Brands, Facilities, Best Practices,
Scare Talent, IT Infrastructure, and so on. Scope Economies come in a variety of flavors; Channel Power &
access to distribution channels, Economies in buying ad space & running high-tech distribution centers.

Question 2 What kinds of challenges are being faced by the retail banking in Pakistan?
Challenges to Retail Banking in Pakistan

 The issue of money laundering is very important in retail banking. This compels all the banks to
 scrutinize diligently all the documents which they accept while entering into a relationship
 Outsourcing has become significant in recent past because various core activities such as hardware
 and software maintenance, entire ATM set up and operation (including cash, refilling) etc., are
 being handled by outside vendors
 Banks are expected to take utmost care to retain the ongoing trust of the public
 Customer service should be at the end all in retail banking. Someone has rightly said, “It takes
 months to find a good customer but only seconds to lose one.” Thus, strategy of Knowing Your
 Customer (KYC) is important
 The dependency on technology has brought IT departments’ additional responsibilities and
 challenges in managing, maintaining and optimizing the performance of retail banking networks
 It is equally important that banks should maintain security to the advance level to keep the faith of
 the customer
 The efficiency of operations would provide the competitive edge for the success in retail banking in
 coming years
 The customer retention is of paramount important for the profitability of retail banking business &
 increase in the market share
 One of the crucial impediments for the growth of this sector is the shortage of manpower talent of
 this specific nature, a modern banking professional, for a modern banking sector

FIN625 Assignment # 1 Solution

Q1) Credit score is considered one of the best measures for checking the credit standing for anybody. If one has poor credit score then what measures can be taken in order to improve credit score?

There are followings measures to improve credit scores
1) Make your payments on time
2) Not borrowing against lines
3) Budget income
4) Saving money
5) Don’t cancel credit card
6) Pay off large debts
7) don’t cancel credit cards
8) Pay down debts

(Explain any 5 in above)

Q2) while granting loans to applicants, lending institutions first decides whether applicant has good credit worthiness. What factors the lending institutions must consider before sanctioning loan?

Factors that must consider before sanctioning loans are

a) Employment
b) Source Of Income
c) Credit History
d) Stability
e) Purpose Of Taking The Loan
f) Documentation

MGT613 Assignment # 1 Solution

MGT 613 Idea Solution:

Maximin Approach:

Road S = 40
Road M = 55 the best
Road D = 30

Maximax Apporach:

Road S = 50
Road M = 75
Road D = 85 the best
Laplace approach:
Road S = 43.33
Road M = 63.33 the best
Road D = 56.67
Maximax regret:

The best (doubted
Between Road M & D)
Alternatives Possible Future Demands

Road S

40-40 = 0
40-60 = -20 50-55 = -5

Road M

55-40 = 15
60-60 = 0
75-55 = 20

Road D

30-40 = -10 55-60 = -10 85-55 = 30
Road S = 40+40+50=130/3=43.33
Road M = 55+60+75=190/3=63.33
Road D = 30+55+85=170/3=56.67

MGT301 Assignment # 1 Solution

CRM? What is Customer Relationship Management.

CRM is the overall progress of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and services.
In the new view, marketing is the science and art of find, retaining and serving the customer. This is what changes the concept of marketing
Stating this we know that Marketing must be concerned with the life time of the customer. The more the life of the customer is there the more chances are
there to survive in the Market.
For an efficient Customer relationship management customer value and satisfaction is the major point, the purpose behind the CRM is to sustain and keep your customer with you, it helps you apply
the strategies which are focused on increasing the customers satisfaction,
loyalty, and profitability by providing him better service qualities over
your competitors.
Increases the life cycle of a loyal customer as we know that a churning customer is very harmful for the revenue and the market repute of the company at the same time.
Analysis of customers buying trends is made, you know what you are to offer to the targeted customer
Identification of potential customer on his grounds.
Customer satisfaction is 85% more than compared to old school marketing techniques.
You keep the customer wondering, “What is Next?”
Customer demands more than you know what you have to offer them.
Common Goals of CRM.
You want to keep that customer with you then use a CRM design.
It helps business to use technology to get inside the customers life cycle, his trends, his likes and dislikes.
Your company can keep the customers track.
You can follow your buying behavior by the help of a CRM.
Create call center where you can facilitate the customer talk to them, make them feel better by giving them one stop solution.
Elaborate your answers with an example
Collecting data, mining, extracting and Data base Management is the new view. Now marketing is the sciences of searching, attaining, retaining and delighting the customer. Marketing must be considered with the life time value of the value and keeping this in mind CRM is the right tool to keep your customers with you. CRM acts as a Relationship building block with the customer.
Telenor Pakistan
A leading Telecommunication firm establishing its ground in 2005 first quarter is now the second largest in Coverage and Number 1 in customer services (Call center) and Customer Feedback handling (By using CRM)
This firm uses an ORACLE based CRM Customer Relationship management Software called Siebel.
Siebel is the Biggest CRM tools till now available in the market. It contains unlimited Logs of data base and customer information related to every field.
This software being the most advanced DBMS of its time till present definitely given Telenor Pakistan a really big edge over all its competitors.
Advantages of this CRM.
It contains Users primary information
Keeps a track of all the package plan the user has converted into
His last 10 used Value added services
His mostly frequently dialed number
His credit classification according to the revenue he is generating to the company.
Every call the customer has ever made to the call centre for any query is recorded in this CRM for a future reference with a work code assigned for
the question the customer asks.
This basic tool has helped the company evolve into a major Telecommunications Giant in just a small frame of 5 years.
By using this tool the company manages the customer and his feedback.
Over sees what are his expectation and where can we profit from it.
Keeps track of every change made against his number.
Every customer account is equipped with a predictable table where this CRM tells what could be the customer’s next need or what offer could be attractive
to the customer

FIN630 Assignment # 1 Solution

“Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management” (Fin 630)
Assignment No.01 Marks: 15
'”"""Dividend Discount Model'''''''''''

Company A is currently selling for Rs. 90 and paying dividend of Rs. 10 per share.
Dividend is expected to grow at rate of 5 percent per year. The required rate of return for
investors is 17% to invest in the stock with the degree of riskness.
Company B is currently selling for Rs. 85 and paying dividend of Rs. 10 per share. For
the next year dividend is Rs. 10.6 per share, which shows growth rate of 6 percent per
year. The required rate of return for investors is 17% to invest in the stock with the
degree of riskness.

A) Calculate the price of stock for Company A and Company B using Dividend Discount Model.
B) If you have to choose one of these two stocks, which stock you will buy?
C) If both companies have decided not to pay cash dividend but they are offering 10% stock dividend. If you are holding 500 shares of Company A and 1,000 shares of
Company B, calculate total number of shares of each Company you will hold after receiving stock dividend.
Dividend Discount Model

Company A is currently selling for Rs. 90 and paying dividend of Rs. 10 per share. Dividend is expected to grow at rate of 5 percent per year. The required rate of return for investors is 17% to invest in the stock with the degree of riskness. Company B is currently selling for Rs. 85 and paying dividend of Rs. 10 per share. For the next year dividend is Rs. 10.6 per share, which shows growth rate of 6 percent per year. The required rate of return for investors is 17% to invest in the stock with the
degree of riskness.

A) Calculate the price of stock for Company A and Company B using Dividend Discount Model.
B) If you have to choose one of these two stocks, which stock you will buy?
C) If both companies have decided not to pay cash dividend but they are offering 10% stock dividend. If you are holding 500 shares of Company A and 1,000 shares of Company B, calculate total number of shares of each Company you will hold after receiving stock dividend.

Part A solution:-
Po for A = D(1+g)/r-g
Po = 10(1+0.05)/0.17 – 0.05
Po = 10(1.05)/0.12
Po = 10.5/0.12
Po = 87.5
Po for B = D(1+g)/r-g
Po = 10(1+0.06)/0.17 – 0.06
Po = 10(1.06)/0.11
Po = 10.6/0.11
Po = 96.36

Solution Part B:-

In part B I will buy the stock of company "B" because its current market price is low than fair price which we have calculated by using dividend discount model. Stock of company "B" also has greater growth rate than stock of Company "A"

Solution of Par C

Company offers 10% stock dividend to all shareholders. Means that if you own 100 shares than company will give you 10 more shares free of cost. Number of shares increases but Total Value of Firm is unchanged.

Company A = 500 Share x 10%
Company A = 500 Share x 0.10
Company A = 50
Total Number of Shares = 500+50
Total Number of Share = 550 shares
Company B = 1000 Share x 10%
Company B = 1000 Share x 0.10
Company B = 100
Total Number of Shares = 1000+100
Total Number of Shares = 1100 shares

MGT601 Assignment # 1 Solution

Answer the following questions:
Q#01 How do you see women entrepreneurs in Pakistani society - a developing nation; as wastage of efforts or a real push in the growth of economy? Discuss. NOTE: Read the reference article given in the “Download section.”

The article given here is for your assistance. You are advised to read it, comprehend it, clear your concepts and attempt the given question. You can also search and refer to other helping material according to your convenience rather than sticking to this particular article only.

In Pakistan, women entrepreneurs do not enjoy the same opportunities as men due to a number of deep-rooted discriminatory socio-cultural values and traditions. Furthermore, these restrictions can be observed within the support mechanisms that exist to assist such fledgling businesswomen. The economic potential of female entrepreneurs is not being realized as they suffer from a lack of access to capital, land, business premises, information technology, training and agency assistance. Inherent attitudes of a patriarchal society, that men are superior to women and that women are best suited to be homemakers, create formidable challenges. Women also receive little encouragement from some male family members, resulting in limited spatial mobility and a dearth of social capital.

The ILO research on women entrepreneurs in Pakistan has shown certain leak points gaps in the development of women entrepreneurs and has emphasized and recommend for actions needed to be taken in order to encourage and promote women entrepreneurship. The research shows that women has to face certain hurdles like gender discrimination, lack of safety, family and traditional restrictions, lack of access to education, market, business premises and other require tools for getting into and starting the business. Moreover there aren't any proper constitutional structures, policy documents, regulatory arrangements and institutional mechanism that can support or acknowledge women entrepreneurship in Pakistan.

However beside all the barriers and hurdles it is a please to note that Pakistani society is increasingly accepting businesswomen. Research has shown that 32% of women entrepreneurs believed that the general perception women in business had improved. Further certain organizations such as First Women’s Bank Limited (FWBL) are also established to cater solely to the financial needs of women entrepreneurs. Its mandate was to improve the socio-economic status of women in both urban and rural areas by creating opportunities for their development through enhanced economic participation. The research also shows that there are 47% of women entrepreneurs in textiles industry, 42% in private institutions and 27% of women are contributing in the half of the household income.

The research on government policies has shown that in order to involve women in productive economic activities, including exports, the Ministry is moving forward on a broad-based programmed in collaboration with the private sector. An Export Trade House and Display Centre each has been established at Lahore and Islamabad. Similar ventures are proposed at Karachi, Muzaffarabad and other major cities. To facilitate women entrepreneurs in their business activities both local and foreign, Business Centers in collaboration with the First Women Bank Limited (FWBL) have been established at Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. Similar Centers are planned for Quetta, Peshawar and other major cities. These results show that efforts of women entrepreneurs are not of waste of time and they are contributing to push in the growth of economy. However these contributions can be made more significant, it is suggested that in order to foster development, multi-agency cooperation is required. The media, educational policy makers and government agencies could combine to provide women with improved access to business development services and facilitate local, regional and national networks. This would help integration of women entrepreneurs into the mainstream economy

MTH301 1st Assignment Solution

MKT621 1st GDB Solution

Advertising has damaged children to a large extent”. Justify this statement with solid reasons.

Advertisement has impact on children at both, positive and negative sides. But the negative impacts are followings. - Advertisement encourage children to persuade their parents to buy product shown in the commercial, whether it is useful or not. The little ones tend to get adamant, if they are not bought product. - Many advertisement in the present time include dangerous stunts which can perform only by experts. even though commercials broadcast warnings with the ad, but kids try to perform such kind of stunts at home, that may hurt them, - Junk foods such as pizza, burgers and soft drinks are heavily promoted during children TV viewing time.This develops a craving for fatty, sugary and fast food in kids.Thereby affecting their health adversely. Research has shown that junk food ads at TV, magazine, billboards influence children greatly leading an increased demand for junk food by children. when children watch young adults with good shape eating junk food in advertisement, they assume that is good for health. they do not know junk food is not good for health. Similarly candy advertisement, it heavily influenced to children, this result choose candy or snakes over fruits. They preferred candy rather than healthy food like fruits but in spite of that the power of advertisement cannot be ignored.

MGMT611/HRM611 1st Assignment Solution

“Human Relations (MGMT611)” Assignment No. 01 Marks: 15

“Assignment Title”
Case study
Wayne Huizenga: Entrepreneur

Wayne Huizenga was called the leading American entrepreneur by Success Magazine. Wayne
started his business career working for a waste removal company. Before long, he started his own company and later merged with another waste disposal company to form WMX Technologies, which grew to become the largest waste-hauling business in the world.
Wayne Huizenga is a best known for building companies and making deals. In addition to WMX, he started Blockbuster Entertainment with the idea of developing a McDonald’s of videos with the policy of not renting or selling pornographic videos. He later sold Blockbuster to Viacom in a stock swap valued at $8.4 billion. Speaking bluntly, as usual, he told shareholders he would leave the company because he cannot tolerate working for anyone else; he leads or leaves.
Wayne Huizenga also acquired Republic Services and is a dominant player in three industries: electronic security, superstore chains of used-cars dealerships, an waste disposal. He also owns the Miami Dolphins, Florida Panthers, and Florida Marlins professional sports teams.
Huizenga is highly disciplined, hard driving, and hard working; his workday usually begins
at4:00 A.M. He enjoys giving advice and solving problems. His basic approach to growing the business is to gather his key people and discuss ideas for expansion and possible deals. Wayne presents his ideas to the key people so they can point out weaknesses and give him ideas for improving his proposals. When making deals, he talks in a relaxed, calm, chummy manner relating to the other party, and he makes an effort to be clearly understood. At age 58, Huizega’s net worth had grown to over $1 billion, and he had no intentions of slowing down.
Nova Southeastern University honors him with its Wayne Huizenga Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship in Davie, Florida. Support your answer to the following questions with specific information from the case and text.
1) Wayne Huizenga’s personality falls in which of the following type of personality?
a. Type A
b. Type B
Support your argument with evidences from the case study.
2) Would you say Huizenga has a positive attitude or negative attitude related to his work?
3) Do you believe it would be stressful to work for Huizenga?
Student’s suggested Answers.
1.1 Question-1.
1.1.1 He is A Type. Reasons are as appended below: He is Business type He is Very Hard working He does not like working under any one. Leads or leaves. He is know to be the best companies builder Speaks blunt Very disciplined Drives hard Works for long timings However he possesses some qualities of Type B as well, that includes relaxed and calm while discussing/ dealing with chummy manners. But overall this is called a style/ tactics to achieve the set goal. Analyzing his overall personality he would always be termed as “Type A” Personality.
1.2 Attitude of Huizenga towards Work
1.2.1 His attitude is positive. Reasons are as following: He works to produce results. His tactics or way of working is excellent that is why he is the Best and achieves his goals. A mission oriented. Derives hard to complete the task He presents his work and appreciates criticism in order to remove weaknesses. He has made his team strong to work well.
1.3 Working with Huizenga
1.3.1 I would like to work for a person who has positive attitude and is hardworking himself. Reasons are as bellow:- He works in team Presents to criticism Motivated to work Loves hard working Appreciative working hours He is best in business community

MGMT611/HRM611 1st Assignment Solution

“Human Relations (MGMT611)” Assignment No. 01 Marks: 15

“Assignment Title”
Case study
Wayne Huizenga: Entrepreneur

Wayne Huizenga was called the leading American entrepreneur by Success Magazine. Wayne
started his business career working for a waste removal company. Before long, he started his own company and later merged with another waste disposal company to form WMX Technologies, which grew to become the largest waste-hauling business in the world.
Wayne Huizenga is a best known for building companies and making deals. In addition to WMX, he started Blockbuster Entertainment with the idea of developing a McDonald’s of videos with the policy of not renting or selling pornographic videos. He later sold Blockbuster to Viacom in a stock swap valued at $8.4 billion. Speaking bluntly, as usual, he told shareholders he would leave the company because he cannot tolerate working for anyone else; he leads or leaves.
Wayne Huizenga also acquired Republic Services and is a dominant player in three industries: electronic security, superstore chains of used-cars dealerships, an waste disposal. He also owns the Miami Dolphins, Florida Panthers, and Florida Marlins professional sports teams.
Huizenga is highly disciplined, hard driving, and hard working; his workday usually begins
at4:00 A.M. He enjoys giving advice and solving problems. His basic approach to growing the business is to gather his key people and discuss ideas for expansion and possible deals. Wayne presents his ideas to the key people so they can point out weaknesses and give him ideas for improving his proposals. When making deals, he talks in a relaxed, calm, chummy manner relating to the other party, and he makes an effort to be clearly understood. At age 58, Huizega’s net worth had grown to over $1 billion, and he had no intentions of slowing down.
Nova Southeastern University honors him with its Wayne Huizenga Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship in Davie, Florida. Support your answer to the following questions with specific information from the case and text.
1) Wayne Huizenga’s personality falls in which of the following type of personality?
a. Type A
b. Type B
Support your argument with evidences from the case study.
2) Would you say Huizenga has a positive attitude or negative attitude related to his work?
3) Do you believe it would be stressful to work for Huizenga?
Student’s suggested Answers.
1.1 Question-1.
1.1.1 He is A Type. Reasons are as appended below: He is Business type He is Very Hard working He does not like working under any one. Leads or leaves. He is know to be the best companies builder Speaks blunt Very disciplined Drives hard Works for long timings However he possesses some qualities of Type B as well, that includes relaxed and calm while discussing/ dealing with chummy manners. But overall this is called a style/ tactics to achieve the set goal. Analyzing his overall personality he would always be termed as “Type A” Personality.
1.2 Attitude of Huizenga towards Work
1.2.1 His attitude is positive. Reasons are as following: He works to produce results. His tactics or way of working is excellent that is why he is the Best and achieves his goals. A mission oriented. Derives hard to complete the task He presents his work and appreciates criticism in order to remove weaknesses. He has made his team strong to work well.
1.3 Working with Huizenga
1.3.1 I would like to work for a person who has positive attitude and is hardworking himself. Reasons are as bellow:- He works in team Presents to criticism Motivated to work Loves hard working Appreciative working hours He is best in business community